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D-Day Anniversary Speeches by Biden, Trump, Reagan (Videos)

Posted by FactReal on June 6, 2024

D-Day Anniversary of the Allied Invasion along the Normandy (France) coast during World War II
JOE BIDEN (6/6/2024)
DONALD TRUMP (6/6/2019)
Trump: “To more than 170 veterans of the Second World War who join us today: You are among the very greatest Americans who will ever live. You’re the pride of our nation. You are the glory of our republic. And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
Transcript here
RONALD REAGAN (6/6/1984)
Via Reagan Foundation:
“President Reagan’s Address at the Ceremony Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, D-day at Point-du-Hoc [Normandy, France] – 6/6/84.”


This post might be updated later on.

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