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Hunter Biden Trial: FBI Confirms “Laptop from Hell” is Real (June 4, 2024)

Posted by FactReal on June 6, 2024

The infamous laptop contained evidence of the Bidens’ global influence-peddling scheme (and other scandalous information) but was rejected by many as “Russian disinformation” just before the 2020 election. (Isn’t that election interference?) Two days ago, the laptop’s authenticity was confirmed by the FBI in court at Hunter Biden’s gun trial in Delaware. The truth comes out…eventually.

Hunter Biden’s ‘Laptop from Hell’ serving as evidence in his trial is pure poetic justice:
Miranda Devine from the New York Post reports:

When The [New York] Post broke the story before the 2020 election in October 2020 — publishing evidence from the laptop of Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s global influence-peddling racket — we were censored by Big Tech and falsely accused by 51 former intelligence officials of peddling “Russian disinformation.”

Then-presidential candidate Biden lied to the American people that the laptop was a “Russian plant.”

It’s official.

Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” is government exhibit 16 at the first son’s gun trial in Delaware.

The silver MacBook Pro 13, covered in a clear plastic wrapper, was first publicly sighted Tuesday at 2:10 p.m. when it was carried across the court by prosecutor Derek Hines to his first witness, FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen, who confirmed it was Hunter’s laptop from the serial number on the back.

Three years and eight months since you heard it first in the New York Post, Jensen said that the laptop was obtained by the FBI in 2019 with a subpoena from The Mac Shop in Wilmington where it had been “abandoned” by Hunter.

She said that investigators corroborated content on the laptop with Hunter’s iCloud that they obtained from Apple with a subpoena.

FBI Witness Confirms on Stand in Hunter Biden’s Trial: The Laptop Is Real

Witness Erika Jensen, an FBI agent, confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop during the second day of his gun trial on Tuesday.

Breitbart News’ Emma-Jo Morris, formerly of the New York Post, first reported the “laptop from hell” story in October 2020. It was immediately spun by the establishment media as “Russian disinformation.”

Shortly after the New York Post broke the laptop story in 2020, CNN reporter Natasha Bertrand wrote the infamous and now discredited Politico story that used “dozens of former intel officials” to push a false and misleading narrative about the origins of Hunter’s laptop.

Hunter Biden gun trial jurors shown infamous laptop first exposed by The Post in dramatic courtroom reveal:

WILMINGTON, Del. — For the first time Tuesday, first son Hunter Biden’s notorious “laptop from hell” — whose scandalous contents were first reported by The Post nearly four years ago — was shown to a jury of his peers, with federal prosecutors making it a key part of their case accusing the president’s child of illegally owning a gun while addicted to drugs.

[FBI Special Agent Erika] Jensen explained that information on the computer was cross-checked against information taken from the Biden scion’s iCloud account — which investigators had obtained through a subpoena issued to Apple.

FBI agents were able to extract mountains of data from the Macbook, including text messages and WhatsApp messages, detailing Hunter’s drug use.

The younger Biden famously dropped off his laptop at a Wilmington repair shop in April 2019 and never returned to pick it up.

Shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac handed the hard drive over to the FBI after unearthing evidence of illegal financial activity, drug use and patronization of prostitutes.


This post might be updated later on.

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