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“It has to Stop,” Trump to Hannity on Revenge for Democrats’ Lawfare (Transcript, Video)

Posted by FactReal on June 10, 2024

Here is how former President Trump actually responded to Hannity’s questions about claims he would seek retribution for the lawfare waged against him by Democrats.

Takeaways, transcript and video are below.
Source: Trump interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, aired June 5, 2024, part 1.

– Re: People are claiming you want retribution

TRUMP: “It does have to stop, because we’re not going to have a country[.]”

– Re: People who want others to believe that you want retribution, that you will use the system of justice to go after your political enemies

TRUMP: “So, number one, they’re wrong. It has to stop, because otherwise, we’re not going to have a country[.]”

– Re: Pledge to restore equal justice, equal application of our laws, end this practice of weaponization

TRUMP: “You have to do it. But it’s awful – look, I know you want me to say something so nice …But I don’t want to look naive…What they’ve done to the Republican Party. They want to arrest on no crime.”

– Re: Lawfare against Biden, Hillary Clinton?

TRUMP: “We can’t have this stuff go on because you know what, when Biden goes out, everyone says bye bye, and then he gets indicted two days later and they go after him. The country doesn’t want that. And you know what, they didn’t want it with Hillary Clinton either. I thought it was – I made a speech, everyone said, “Lock her up! Lock her up!” … And I said, wouldn’t it be terrible if I locked up the wife of the President of the United States – former – and locked up the former Secretary of State. It’s a terrible thing. You know, you’re starting – if you want to bring the country together – I want to bring the country together, and success does bring the country together…Success will unify, and I think we’re going to have tremendous success.

Video & Transcript
Video via Fox News / YouTube:

Rush Transcript (emphasis and links added)

HANNITY: [4:10] We’ve added a new word to our lexicon, and that is lawfare or weaponization of justice. My question to you is, and people are saying, actually, because of an interview we did together, you said, “I would be dictator for a day and just to secure the border and drill for oil.” I thought it was tongue-in-cheek. I was sitting there with you. However, my question is a very serious one. You know, people are claiming you want retribution. People are claiming you want what has happened to you done to Democrats? Would you do that? Ever?

TRUMP: Look, what’s happened to me has never happened in this country before and it has to stop, because –

HANNITY Wait a minute, I want to hear that again, “It has to stop.”

TRUMP: Well, it does have to stop, because we’re not going to have a country –

HANNITY If you’re elected, what does that mean? Define that.

TRUMP: Look. What I’ve gone through, nobody’s ever gone through. I’m a very legitimate person. I built a great business. Everything’s been – I have been under siege. Nobody’s ever seen anything like this in this country. Now in other countries, in other third world countries, or a banana republic, as they say, a banana republic. We’ve become a banana republic. At the border, we become a banana republic. With so many other elements of our country, we’ve become a banana republic. You take a look at what’s happening with inflation, that’s a banana republic inflation what we have. I think it could be as high as 50% if you add everything in, when you start adding energy prices in, when you start adding interest rates, which have gone from 2% to 9% and 10% –

HANNITY: [5:50] I’m gonna get to all that. Focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution, that you will use the system of justice to go after your political enemies.

TRUMP: So, number one, they’re wrong. It has to stop, because otherwise, we’re not going to have a country – Look, when this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them, and it’s easy, because it’s Joe Biden, and you see all the criminality, all of the money that’s going into the family and him, all of this money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine. During one of the interviews, I said, what about the three and a half million dollars paid to the Biden family from the mayor of Moscow’s wife [Yelena Baturina]?

What about that? And Chris Wallace defended him, said, “You can’t ask that question.” Well, then it turned out to be a big deal. Long after that debate, that was one of the debates, and it turned out to be a big deal. And Chris Wallace said, we can’t go there because we don’t know that it should turn out to be true. Millions and millions of dollars. Now if we’re going to that —

HANNITY By the way [Biden] had dinner with [wife of Moscow’s mayor] at the Cafe Milano, And he said to America he never once talked to his son, brother or anybody about their foreign business deal.

TRUMP: Well, he said it, and then you found out it was absolutely untrue. Everything he says is untrue. There’s never been a president like this.

Look, he’s a horrible president. He’s destroying our country at the border. He’s allowing millions of people to come in from prisons, in jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums, which is a step above, a big step above a mental institution. He’s allowing terrorists to flood into our country. And the numbers are probably sixteen, seventeen or eighteen million people. You’re gonna have over twenty million people. I think, I believe in a lot of other people do too, by the time he hopefully gets out.

November 5th, election day, will be the most – and by he way, it starts on September 22, it starts earlier because they’re early voting – but November 5th will go down as the most important election in the history of our country. It’s going to be the most important day and period in the history of our country.

HANNITY: [8:02] Will you pledge to restore equal justice, equal application of our laws, end this practice of weaponization? Is that a promise you’re gonna make?

TRUMP: You have to do it. But it’s awful – look, I know you want me to say something so nice –


HANNITY No, I don’t want you to say – I’m asking –

TRUMP: But I don’t want to look naive.

HANNITY I don’t wanna –

TRUMP: What they’ve done to the Republican Party. They want to arrest on no crime. They want to arrest the person that won the nomination in a landslide. There was nobody even close in a landslide. The person that got millions of votes, more votes than any other sitting president in history in the last election, the person that won an election that he wasn’t expected to win against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

They want to arrest that person on no crime. They want to arrest – there was no crime. There was no criminality. There was no crime.

And you can go back to all of these legal scholars. They can’t believe what’s happening. Some of them don’t even like me, and they’re saying, this is a very, very dangerous thing that’s happening. Now, we can’t let this happen, and I will do everything in my power not to let – but there is tremendous criminality here. What they’re doing to me, if it’s going to continue, we’re really not going to have much of a country left. It’s really – it is weaponization. You call it ‘lawfare.’ You call it – some people call it just ‘warfare’ – but it is weaponization of the election. And we’re talking about, I think, the most important election in the history of our country. This will go down, I believe as the most important election in the history of our country.

We can’t have this stuff go on because you know what, when Biden goes out, everyone says ‘bye-bye,’ and then he gets indicted two days later and they go after him. The country doesn’t want that. And you know what, they didn’t want it with Hillary Clinton either. I thought it was – I made a speech, everyone said, “Lock her up! Lock her up!”

And I was at a UFC fight the other night with Dana Wide, who’s a fantastic.

TRUMP: [10:52] And in a certain way, after we won against Hillary, people would say, you know, would say, “Lock her up. Lock her up.” And I said, wouldn’t it be terrible if I locked up the wife of the President of the United States – former – and locked up the former Secretary of State. It’s a terrible thing. You know, you’re starting – if you want to bring the country together – I want to bring the country together, and success does bring the country together, because we had the most successful economy in the history of our country just prior to COVID, and even at the end I got it back. It was an amazing thing. But we had the most successful economy in history. And I was getting calls from radical left people wanting to meet and I’m telling you success – African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, women, men, people with diplomas, people without the diplomas, people that went to MIT, Harvard and Wharton, people that didn’t get out of high school – the most successful economy we’ve ever had.

And people on – that I would say, you call them on the radical left, call it whatever you want, liberal people, progressive people – they were all calling, and they were saying, let’s get together. This is amazing.

Nobody – every single group, nobody has ever done better than during that period of time in my administration, during that period, and they wanted to get together, and it would have happened. We would have happened. It was really something. I’m not sure I would have been able to say to you that there was a way to unify.

Success will unify, and I think we’re going to have tremendous success. We have to bring it back fast because this country is – we’re a failing nation. We are really a failing nation right now. We’re being left out all over the world.


This post might be updated later on.

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