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Remember the Tricks and Coverup in Hunter Biden’s Investigation Revealed by Whistleblowers?

Posted by FactReal on June 13, 2024

Miranda Devine from the New York Post reminds us the importance of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony in the case against Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden

Big Daddy Joe Biden couldn’t save Hunter this time around (June 11, 2024)

Whistleblowers win
There would have been no guilty verdict, no gun trial, no indictment on tax fraud, and not even last year’s ill-fated sweetheart plea deal if two IRS whistleblowers had not risked their livelihoods to do the right thing.

For IRS Supervisory Agent Gary Shapley, it was a bitter irony to hear special counsel David Weiss thanking Attorney General Merrick Garland Tuesday for giving him the “independence” to pursue the investigation into Hunter.

That independence only came after Shapley and his fellow IRS whistleblower Joe Ziegler lawfully told Congress last year about the obstruction and slow-walking of the investigation under then-Delaware US Attorney Weiss. Garland testified to Congress that Weiss had full authority to pursue charges against Hunter, but that wasn’t the case.

Weiss passively allowed Biden appointees in California and Washington, DC, to refuse to partner with Delaware to bring charges, and then he allowed the statute of limitations to run out on the most serious allegations from 2014 and 2015.

Only when Shapley and Ziegler blew the whistle did Weiss and Hunter’s lawyers stitch together an absurdly generous plea deal that fell apart under the scrutiny of an honest judge in Delaware.

Only then did Garland grant Weiss the independence of special counsel status so he could do damage control.

Shapley and Ziegler went back to Congress again after Hunter testified to the Biden impeachment inquiry in February, providing the House Ways and Means Committee with evidence that the first son lied under oath at least three times.

Their evidence formed the basis for a criminal referral to the DOJ last week by House Republicans recommending the prosecution of Hunter and his uncle James Biden for lying to Congress. Another test for Garland.

Summary: DOJ, FBI, IRS Cover-Up to Protect the Bidens from Facing Justice (IRS Whistleblowers)

DOJ engaged in conflicts of interest, helping Hunter Biden defense, whistleblower’s attorney claims (April 4, 2024)

IRS whistleblowers describe alleged Hunter Biden coverup: ‘Not letting me do my investigative job’ (July 19, 2023)
“IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler gave their first public testimony to Congress [in July 2023] about what they described as a far-reaching coverup in the tax fraud investigation of Hunter Biden.”

The major claims presented by the whistleblowers include:
ALLEGATION 1: Joe Biden’s role in his son’s finances was not investigated

ALLEGATION 2: AG Garland lied, Biden appointees blocked charges in DC, California

ALLEGATION 3: Hunter was tipped off on planned search, approach

Both [whistleblowers] said that investigative steps were slow-walked or blocked and that Justice Department authorities tipped off Hunter Biden’s legal team about their interest in searching a northern Virginia storage locker that may have contained evidence, as well as about a bid to interview Hunter in late 2020 — sabotaging both attempts.

We later heard that Wolf and DOJ-Tax Attorney Mark Daly had ultimately reached out to Hunter Biden’s defense counsel and told them about the storage unit, once again circumventing our chance to get to evidence from potentially being destroyed, manipulated or concealed.”

ALLEGATION 4: Biden bribery tip, Hunter laptop files not shared

ALLEGATION 5: Interviews weren’t allowed with Biden family


This post might be updated later on.

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