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Posts Tagged ‘COVID’

Hearing: COVID-19 Origins & Evidence (June 18, 2024)

Posted by FactReal on June 18, 2024

Today’s Hearing by Senate Homeland Security Committee on the Origins of COVID-19
Via NTD:
“The Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs holds a full committee hearing on “The Origins of COVID-19: An Examination of Available Evidence” at 10 a.m. ET on June 18.”
Other video link: here.
Associate Professor and Director, Biodefense Graduate Program
George Mason University

Professor and Associate Dean School of Medicine
Tulane University

Chief Executive Officer Atossa Therapeutics, Inc. and Former Faculty
Stanford University School of Medicine

Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Laboratory Director, Waksman Institute of Microbiology
Rutgers University

Sen. Rand Paul Reads Out Secret Communications Of Fauci’s Team About COVID-19’s Origins
Via Forbes Breaking News:
“At today’s Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke about secret discussions about the origins of COVID-19 from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s team.”
FULL EXCHANGE: Sen. Josh Hawley GRILLS COVID-19 Scientist
Via The Daily Signal:
“Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) gets into a heated exchange with COVID-19 Scientist Dr. Robert F. Gerry on the origins of the COVID-19 virus at a hearing hosted by the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on June 18, 2024.”

BRUTAL: Ron Johnson Confronts Doctor He Claims ‘Engaged In A Cover-Up’ With Fauci
Via Forbes Breaking News:
“At today’s Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) grilled witness about the lab-leak theory and how the government approached it.”
IG AUDIT: Fauci & NIH List of Failures with Coronavirus Wuhan Grants


This post might be updated later on.


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Senate Report: COVID Originated from 2 Lab Leaks in China (Report: 4/17/2023)

Posted by FactReal on April 24, 2023

– READ: Senate Report: Muddy Waters – The Origin of COVID-19 Report (April 17, 2023)
– READ: Press Release: Sen. Marshall Releases Bombshell COVID-19 Origins Report

HIGHLIGHTS: Latest Report on the Origins of COVID-19
Dr. and U.S. Senator Roger Marshall said the preponderance of evidence supports:
– The virus and the pandemic started in a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
– It was an accidental lab leak [Editor’s Note: Accidental????]
– There were two lab leaks: Sept. 2019 and November 2019
– This report dispels the thought that this virus came from nature. This virus didn’t leave a footprint/trail as viruses do when they come from nature.
– China continues to hide the evidence.

No Intermediate Species = Dispels Narrative that COVID-19 Came From Nature
Page 72 of the report: Unlike other viruses, COVID-19 didn’t leave a footprint/trail as viruses do when they come from nature. Still unknown: the reservoir species and the probable intermediate species.

– New York Post: Senate GOP report raises possibility of two lab leaks triggering COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic may have started with two separate leaks at Chinese labs doing risky “gain of function” research, a Republican senator said Monday [April 17, 2023].

A report released by Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) raises the prospect that millions of lives could have been saved — including those of more than 1 million Americans — if not for a “coverup” by the Chinese government during a theorized initial outbreak.

“This report concludes most likely this was two leaks [including] a lab leak in the September-October [2019] timeframe, even as early as July or August,” the medical doctor turned senator told a small group of journalists ahead of the release of the 301-page document.

“We’ve concluded that [China] started vaccine development in November 2019. And then another lab leak seems to be most sensible explanation,” he said. “There are key data points that are being held back that could help us prove that.” (…)

“Epidemiological and genetic molecular analyses of the early published circulating Wuhan [COVID-19] strains supported the possibility of two spillover events two or more weeks apart,” the report says.

– National Review: New Senate Report Finds Covid Likely Originated from Two Chinese Lab Leaks:

The report speculates that two lab leaks occurred within weeks of one another in the fall of 2019 in Wuhan, China, home to a virology research institute. In the months following the initial leaks, Covid-19 cases in the surrounding region spiked.

The theory is largely based on the development timeline of China’s Covid vaccine: Dr. Zhou Yusen, a Chinese military scientist who later died under mysterious circumstances, filed a Covid-vaccine patent on February 24 2020, which suggests that work on the vaccine must have begun at least as early as November, 2019, based on Operation Warp Speed’s timeline. A number of Iranian athletes who traveled to Wuhan for the World Military Games in the fall of 2019 further supports this early-outbreak timeline, the report argues.

There was “[a] noticeable increase of Wuhan adult ILI cases during week 46 (November 11-17, 2019) corresponded to negative influenza testing that same week. This occurrence is similar to the epidemiological outlier identified in the published study. It occurs approximately 13 weeks before the recorded surge of COVID-19 cases in Wuhan in late January, early February 2020,” the report notes.”

– Washington Examiner: GOP coronavirus origins report details 2019 China biosafety scramble at Wuhan lab:

The new report noted the WIV took its viral sample and sequence database offline in September 2019 and that “Wuhan officials conducted an emergency response drill at its international airport” that month.


The GOP report pointed to a State Department fact sheet that found “the U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019″ with COVID-19-like symptoms.

About the wet market theory:

“None of the samples taken from the 18 animal species found in the market were positive for SARS-CoV-2,” the new report said, adding, “There have been no documented positive SARS-CoV-2 animal samples from any Wuhan wet market. Nor have vendors of these animals tested positive.”

– Just The News: Bombshell Senate GOP report: COVID leaked from Wuhan lab where US funded gain-of-function research:

Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall is warning that a new virus could break out of China and cause another worldwide pandemic as he releases “Muddy Waters,” a comprehensive new report on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ranking member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and staff reviewed more than 50,000 documents for the report, which found that the COVID-19 virus was created in a lab and the outbreak was likely the result of two unintentional lab leaks.

The report determined that the U.S. government was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

– Washington Free Beacon: Senate Report Concludes COVID Likely Caused by Lab Leak:

The release of the report comes weeks after federal agencies also endorsed the lab leak theory. The Energy Department in February admitted that the pandemic likely emerged from a lab. The same month, the FBI said it has long known the lab leak theory was “most likely.”

– UK Doctor John Campbell also provided a summary of the U.S. Senate report: Senate full lab leak document:

Fauci Commissioned Report To Dismiss Lab-Leak Theory, Emails Show
TIMELINE: COVID-19 Origins (Video)

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TIMELINE: COVID-19 Origins (Video)

Posted by FactReal on April 24, 2023

COVID origins timeline explained by doctor and U.S. Senator Roger Marshall (R-Kansas).
Video uploaded on September 7, 2021:

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Congress Hearing #2: Origins of COVID (4/18/2023)

Posted by FactReal on April 18, 2023

Today’s hearing #2 on the origins of COVID-19 — an essential step in determining where and how this virus began.
Topic: Investigating the Origins of COVID-19, Part 2: China and the Available Intelligence
By: House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Chinese Embassy urges House Republican to stop ‘targeting China,’ focus on ‘own failure’ in COVID origins hunt (Full letter included)
China wants lawmakers to stop investigating. The Select Subcommittee twitted:

@ChineseEmbinUS is attempting to interfere with our investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and silence our Members.

It won’t work.

We will follow the facts wherever they lead and deliver the truth to Americans.


Other video links: House Select Subcommittee / Twitter, and RSBN.

– John L. Ratcliffe, Former Director of National Intelligence, Former U.S. Representative: prepared statement.
– David Feith, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Center for a New American Security; Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs: prepared statement.
– Dr. Mark Lowenthal (Democrats’ Witness), Former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production, Former Vice Chairman for Evaluation for the National Intelligence Council, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research: prepared statement.

– Chairman Wenstrup’s opening statement:

– “A lab leak is the only explanation credibly,” said former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe who made the case COVID leaked from the Chinese Wuhan lab:

”A lab leak is the only explanation credibly supported by our intelligence, by science and by common sense.”

Former Director of National Intelligence @JohnRatcliffe
testifies that the Wuhan lab is responsible for spawning a global pandemic.

– David Feith:

– March 8, 2023: facts and video.
Senate Report Concludes COVID Likely Caused by Lab Leak
China wants lawmakers to stop investigating
Chinese Embassy urges House Republican to stop ‘targeting China,’ focus on ‘own failure’ in COVID origins hunt

TIMELINE: Team Fauci Tried to Suppress the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory (Video 3/2/2023, Transcript)

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FACTS: Origin of COVID-19 (House Hearing: 3/8/2023)

Posted by FactReal on March 8, 2023

From today’s hearing on “Investigating the Origins of COVID-19” by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic of the House Oversight Committee.

Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) provided a quick list of what we know so far about the origin of the coronavirus pandemic that killed million of people worldwide.

Facts so far: [Emphasis added]

Some say the virus came from nature—that, according to recent papers discussed in the New York Times, the science is “dispositive.”

Some say it’s too unique, too primed for human transmission, that there is too much circumstantial evidence that points to COVID-19 coming from a lab.

As well, in three years, there has been no track found to prove that COVID-19 evolved naturally from animal, or mammal, or tick, to become highly infectious in humans.

The truth is—we don’t know the origins of COVID-19 yet for sure.

We don’t have a smoking gun.

Here’s what we do know, though—

First, the science behind COVID-19:

  • The genome of COVID-19 is inconsistent with expectations and is unique for its group of viruses. COVID-19 has both a binding domain optimized for human cells and a furin cleavage site – or a small part of the virus that makes it so infectious – that has never been seen before in SARS related viruses.
  • In other words, COVID-19 has unique characteristics that made it very infectious to humans. These have never been seen before in any other viruses of its type.
  • Most viral outbreaks are slow and small. CDC data shows SARS infected approximately eight thousand people worldwide and eight in the U.S. Similar with MERS, which infected approximately two thousand people worldwide. But COVID-19 was primed for human transmission. It has infected more than 750 million people worldwide. Dr. Redfield, one of our witnesses here today and a virologist, has even said he believes COVID-19 “had a detour from nature to be educated how to infect humans.”

Second, the known research occurring in China:

  • We know the Wuhan Institute of Virology was conducting gain-of-function research on novel bat coronaviruses by creating chimeric viruses – combining two viruses together to test infectivity – and infecting mice with these viruses. Work that former COVID-19 Task Force Coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx confirmed was, in fact, gain-of-function; contrary to the statements of Dr. Fauci.
  • We have learned that the Wuhan Institute has poor biosafety and was conducting this research at only Biosafety Level 2 – described as the “Wild West,” by Dr. Jeremy Farrar, a virologist from the U.K., now chief scientist for the WHO.
  • We have learned, through a leaked DARPA grant application, that with U.S. taxpayer backing, that the Wuhan Institute proposed inserting furin cleavage sites into novel coronaviruses – the same unique genetic aspect of COVID-19.
  • And we know, according to a State Department Fact Sheet, that multiple researchers at the Wuhan Institute were sick with COVID-19 like symptoms in fall of 2019 – before the Chinese officially announced the outbreak.

Third, concerning the actions of NIH and EcoHealth Alliance:

  • Records show that The National Institutes of Health – while the U.S. was under a moratorium on gain-of-function research – exempted EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute from this ban.
  • Records show that The National Institutes of Health allowed EcoHealth to conduct risky research on novel coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute without going through the Potential Pandemic Pathogen Department level review board.
  • Records show that EcoHealth violated federal grant policy and failed to file its year five progress report for more than two years.
  • Records show that EcoHealth violated the terms of its grant and failed to report an experiment that resulted in gain-of-function of a coronavirus at the Wuhan Institute.

Fourth, for some reason that we do not yet know, leaders in the scientific community took action to attempt to convince the world that they should not take the lab leak theory seriously.

  • Dr. Francis Collins stated he was more concerned with harm to “international harmony” than he was with investigating the lab leak. And Dr. Fauci said the lab leak was a “shiny object that will go away in time.”
  • The President of EcoHealth, Dr. Peter Daszak, orchestrated a letter in The Lancet that called the lab leak a “conspiracy theory.” A statement that directly benefited Dr. Daszak himself.
  • And four scientists, after a conference call with Dr. Fauci, completely reversed their position. Dr. Kristian Andersen said he found “the genome inconsistent with evolutionary theory.” And Dr. Robert Garry said he “really can’t think of a plausible natural scenario.” But a few days later published a paper saying the exact opposite.
  • A paper, based on the new emails we released, claimed to be “prompted” by Dr. Fauci, himself.
  • [https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023.03.05-SSCP-Memo-Re.-New-Evidence.Proximal-Origin.pdf]

And fifth, the intelligence:

  • FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed publicly that the FBI assesses COVID-19 most likely originated from a lab incident in Wuhan.
  • And the Wall Street Journal reported the Department of Energy now also believes a lab leak is the most likely origin.
  • These aren’t “run of the mill” agencies – the FBI used experts in biological threats and was reportedly supported by the National Bioforensic Analysis Center and the Department of Energy used its own Z Division – experts in investigating biological threats.

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VIDEO: Hearing on Origins of COVID-19 (3/8/2023)

Posted by FactReal on March 8, 2023

Hearing on the origins of COVID-19 before U.S. House Oversight Committee: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Video links: Sky News/YouTube | C-SPAN

– Nicholas Wade who wrote: ‘The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?‘. Mr. Wade is a former New York Times science writer and former editor of Science and Nature.
Read his prepared statement.
– Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC Director: Statement
– Dr. Jamie Metzl, Ph.D., senior fellow of The Atlantic Council: prepared statement
– Dr. Paul G. Auwaerter, MBA (Democrats’ Witness), professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University: prepared statement

– Report: House committee says Fauci ‘prompted’ drafting of medical paper to ‘disprove’ COVID lab leak theory
– House committee memo (3/5/2023): New Evidence Resulting from the Select Subcommittee’s Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19 – “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2”


These happened at Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV):

TIMELINE: How Team Fauci Tried to Suppress the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory (Video: 1/25/2022)
PROOF: COVID-19 Looks Engineered (Email to Fauci, 1/31/2020: Image & Transcript)
LIST: COVID Myths Debunked by John Hopkins Doctor
WSJ: COVID Came from Lab Leak in Wuhan (China) Says Energy Dept.
AUDIT: Fauci & NIH List of Failures with Coronavirus Wuhan Grants
COVID-19: Origin and Who Benefited the Most (and Report from Director of National Intelligence)

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