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Obama & Democrats Got More Donations from Wall Street than Republicans

Posted by FactReal on October 25, 2011

Obama and other Democrats have aligned themselves with the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protesters while at the same time raking in millions from Wall Street.

Via Heritage Action:

Despite their support of the Occupy Wall Street movement, (who, unlike the Tea Party, believe government is the answer to our economic problems), Democrats have enjoyed large paychecks from the industry.

President Obama [and other Democrats] have all raised significant funds from Wall Street – and these numbers are just since 2008!

This information was pulled from OpenSecrets.org. They don’t quite tell the whole story, since Presidential donations are listed differently than other politicians. So the President’s funds are much higher. He’s actually raised $3.9 million just this year so far. But, he has raised nearly $12 million in Wall Street donations for the DNC. In total, that’s more than all the Republican Presidential candidates combined have received from Wall Street.


These Democrats may claim to be on the side of the Occupy Wall Street Protesters, but the numbers don’t lie. They are clearly capitalizing on the populism of the day while continuing to line their campaign coffers with money from the very people they are now demonizing.

Obama’s raised more money from Wall Street donors than all Republican candidates combined

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