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Alvin Bragg in 2021: Being a Rich Old White Man has Allowed Trump to Evade Accountability in Manhattan. (Video of then-Candidate for Manhattan DA & Transcript)

Posted by FactReal on March 21, 2023

In January 2021, Alvin Bragg was running for Manhattan District Attorney and was interviewed by HOT 97 ‘Ebro in the Morning.’

Primary source: HOT 97’s YouTube video, titled: Candidate for NY DA, Alvin Bragg on Charging Donald Trump, Cy Vance + Dealing w/ Race (Jan. 15, 2021)

Q: Are they going to convict Donald Trump?
BRAGG: That, that is the number one issue.
BRAGG: We sued the Trump administration over a hundred times.

[0:33] QUESTION: I have my issues with Cy Vance [the then-Manhattan DA]. There’s things I believe he hasn’t done well. But one of the things, uh, leading into this vote for the Manhattan district attorney’s office. I know a lot of people are wondering, uh, whoever has this job, are they going to convict Donald Trump?
[0:57] BRAGG: That, that is the number one issue. We know he [Cy Vance] is investigating and what I’ll say is: I’m the only – I was the first to announce against Cy Vance. I too have a lot of issues that is why I decided to run. I’m the candidate in the race who has the experience with Donald Trump. I was the chief deputy in the attorney general’s office. We sued the Trump administration over a hundred times, uh, for the Muslim travel ban, for family separation at the border, for shenanigans with the census. Uh, so I know how to litigate, uh, with him. I also led the team that did the Trump Foundation case. So I’m ready to go where the facts take me and to inherit that case and I think, you know, it’d be hard to argue with the fact that, that’s, that’d be the most important, uh, most high-profile case, uh, and I’ve seen him up front and seen the lawlessness that he can do.

[1:48] QUESTION:What do you believe should happen?
[1:50] BRAGG: I believe we have to hold him [Trump] accountable. I haven’t seen all the facts beyond the public, but I’ve litigated with him and so I’m prepared to go where the facts take me once I see them and hold him accountable.

Q: Not in jail now…[because] he’s an old white man and he’s got a lot of money, and he was just coming out of the office of President
BRAGG: No doubt, you’re right.

[2:55] QUESTION: So, Alvin, talk to, you know, you said leading you where the facts may lead you with regard to dealing with Donald Trump and, um, from what you know today, and you know, I know you’re, you’re being careful with your words because you’re running for office, so I respect that. Uh, but I know as a voter and a taxpayer, all I know is some of the things that I’ve seen would have put me in jail. So, how is it not gonna put someone at his level in jail now. I know the answer is he’s an old white man and he’s got a lot of money, and he was just coming out of the office of President, but doesn’t sit well with me as a citizen of the United States and a resident of, you know, this area.
[3:43] BRAGG: No doubt, you’re right. So, I’m being careful not, not because I’m running for office, but because every case does have to be judged with facts and I don’t know all the facts. Right? And so I’ve been doing it for 20 plus years so I want to be fair. But with that said, there is a lot that’s out there publicly, uh, when I look at, uh, what, uh, the Attorney General’s looking at as a civil case which could become a criminal case at the Manhattan DA’s office where on the one hand he’s saying, “Hey, look, you know, this piece of land is worth, uh, a dollar when I want to go pay taxes, you know, the taxes on it, but when I want to go get a loan, all of a sudden it’s worth a million, right? That, that –

BRAGG: Being a rich old white man has allowed you to evade accountability in Manhattan. That includes Trump and his children.

[4:21] HOST: That’s public, but that’s public information that he did that.
[4:26] BRAGG: And so, what I’m saying that’s what I’m focusing on that. That kind of conduct right there could definitely be the basis for a case. You know, I’ve done a mortgage fraud case. I’ve gone to trial, uh, you know I’ve done a tax fraud case. That kind of conduct right there is deeply troubling, uh, and that’s what I’m thinking about when I say, you know, holding him accountable. So, so, yeah, the – they’re, they’re, you are right. We got two standards of justice. Harvey Weinstein. Jeffrey Epstein. Being a rich, old, white man has allowed you to evade accountability in Manhattan. That includes Trump and his children. They, they were engaged in fraud in the SoHo real estate deal – his children. Uh, so, so, you’re right. We got two standards of justice. I grew up in the second standard in Harlem. I know all about it, uh, and you’re right I’m being a little careful because I don’t want to prejudge and then I get into office and the first motion I get from the Trump team is I got to recuse myself because I prejudge the facts. But you’re right, there’s a lot out there in the public domain that is so troubling and I say that not just to someone who’s watching it, but as someone who has done these kinds of cases. Someone who has litigated with Donald Trump about fraud and, by the way, and won. Right? We held him accountable in the Trump Foundation case. My office did the Trump University case. So, I’ve seen a pattern of the lawlessness over 20 years, uh, and so I’m inclined to believe all I see in the public domain, uh, and know that there’s, uh, and I believe that there is a path forward there to make a case.

Host: Jan.6 = “A white domestic terrorist temper tantrum at the Capitol”
Host: Do you believe that our institutions here in NY City have a reckoning coming in dealing with white supremacy?
Bragg doesn’t correct the host. He actually praises the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020. For him, that means “people are ready to deliver that, but we need leaders in office who will bring about that reckoning.”

[9:52] QUESTION: Um, you know, right now we just saw a – what I’m calling – a white domestic terrorist temper tantrum at the Capitol, uh, just last Wednesday and in the crowd participants were firemen, police, former military, some active military, uh, lawyers, doctors, you know, it wasn’t just redneck Qanon kooks and, you know what I mean. It was people from all walks of life and I’ve maintained that white supremacy in not only with judges, uh, police officers, firemen, uh, the institutions – it’s riddled with these people who do not want to see black people, marginalized people, uh, carry their voting power any social influence at all and work systematically to make sure that it doesn’t happen. Um, do you believe that our institutions here in New York City have a – a reckoning coming in dealing with white supremacy?

[10:48] BRAGG: Well, they should and that’s why again leadership matters. We need, uh, leadership that’s going to bring about that reckoning. Obviously, we, we saw the movement this summer [Black Lives Matter/Antifa destructive riots in the summer of 2020] and people are ready to, to deliver that, but we need leaders in office who will bring about that reckoning. You’re so right. People want to think about this as an issue of, you know, voter suppression in Georgia or, you know, somewhere else this is happening right here in New York with people who are, uh, sworn to protect us. Uh, and we, we need to have that reckoning and we need people in office to help lead that, and particularly, people, you know, in office like the DA’s office. Say, look, you know I’m not gonna work within these police officers, uh, you know, who are engaged in anything that, that, that smells like racism, you know. You can’t, you can’t work with my office, you gotta go.

Bragg thought he wasn’t prejudging Trump.
– Alvin Bragg assumed office on January 1, 2022 as Manhattan district attorney.
– Merrick Garland assumed office on March 11, 2021 as Biden’s department of justice attorney general.
– Cyrus Vance Jr. was the previous Manhattan district attorney (from Jan. 1, 2010 – Dec. 31, 2021)

SOURCE: YouTube: HOT 97, ‘Ebro in the Morning’ show based in New York City. Alvin Bragg, then-candidate for Manhattan District Attorney, was interviewed by Ebro Darden and Peter Rosenberg.

Screenshot of video interview dated January 15, 2021:

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