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Videos: Cohen Ex-Lawyer’s Testimony & Interviews Contradicting Cohen’s #TrumpTrial Testimony

Posted by FactReal on May 20, 2024

Here are videos of testimony under oath and TV interviews with Robert Costello (Michael Cohen’s former legal adviser) where he contradicts the testimony of Michael Cohen, the key witness in the Manhattan trial against Donald Trump.

Bob Costello was deputy chief of the criminal division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.

– Cohen was suicidal in April 2018 meeting.
– Cohen told Costello and his law partner: “Guys, I want you to know, I’ll do whatever the f**k I have to do, I’ll never spend one day in jail.”
– Cohen to Costello: “I swear to God, Bob, I don’t have anything on Donald Trump.”
– Cohen on Stormy Daniels’ NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement): “This was my idea.”
– Cohen took a HELOC [home equity line of credit] because he didn’t want Melania Trump nor his wife to know about the loan to pay $130,000 to Stormy Daniels.
– Costello provided the DA office with 300+ emails, contemporaneous communications with Michael Cohen that would collectively demonstrate that Cohen was lying about material information.
– The DA team only introduced 6 of the 300+ emails.
– The DA team cut off Costello’s testimony in front of the grand jury.
– The conspiracy with Giuliani is totally false: During their first meeting of Costello and his law partner with Cohen at the Regency Hotel in April 2018, Giuliani was not involved in representing Donald Trump at that time.
– Cohen thought he should have been U.S. Attorney General or at least the chief assistant to the President.

– Mark Levin: Alvin Bragg’s felony for allowing subornation of perjury (for procuring/inducing someone else to lie under oath).

Subornation of Perjury
Via Cornell Law:
18 U.S. Code § 1622 – Subornation of perjury

Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

(Thursday, May 16, 2024; aired Saturday, May 18, 2024)
Other video link here.
Mark Levin: [9:59] This is a classic case of suborning perjury:

[10:18] They [Alvin Bragg and his team] had your emails… [10:33] But Bragg and those eight [assistant] district attorneys – they didn’t want you to say what you wanted to say in front of the grand jury. They didn’t want to hear anything about the other emails that might harm their witness. [10:46] They knew that he [Cohen] would get on the stand and that he’d commit perjury…[11:03] They committed a suborning perjury which is a felony against the court.

– Costello provided the DA office with 300+ emails, contemporaneous communications with Michael Cohen that would collectively demonstrate that Cohen was lying about material information.
– The DA team only introduced 6 of the 300+ emails.
– Costello had presented evidence contrary to what Cohen was going to testify, they cut off Costello’s testimony in front of the grand jury.
– The NDA (non-disclosure agreement) with Stormy Danields was Cohen’s own idea. Trump didn’t have anything to do with it.
– Cohen told Costello that Stormy Daniels’ attorney Davidson contacted him saying Stormy was going to claim that there was a sexual relationship with Donald Trump. Cohen said he didn’t believe the allegations but he knew that they’d be embarrassing – specifically embarrassing to Melania. Cohen said that he decided on his own to proceed with the NDA and pay the $130,000.
– Cohen took a HELOC loan [home equity line of credit] to pay the $130,000, because he didn’t want Melania Trump to know anything about it. Cohen didn’t want his wife to know because she will know right away since she controls the family finances.

(aired March 20, 2023, uploaded to YouTube on March 21, 2023)
Other video link here.

– Costello testified before the grand jury in Manhattan for ~ 2 hours
– Costello: “It was clear to me that the Manhattan D.A.’s office did not want to get to the truth.”
– Costello first represented Cohen in April 2018.
– Costello doesn’t represent Trump.
– In 2019, Costello prepared a ton of documents for the Dept. of Justice.
Costello prepared 330 emails, a bunch of text messages, a contemporaneous report of their first meeting with Michael Cohen at the Regency Hotel in Manhattan, contemporaneous notes of the interview with the U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York [SDNY], and contemporaneous notes of an interview by the House Committee on Intelligence, who sent 3 investigators to his office – one of whom is now Democrat Congressman Dan Goldman (NY). Costello sent all this material to Trump’s lawyers and to the Manhattan D.A. Office.
– Costello [2:32]: “Michael Cohen in my opinion was lying just about everything.”
– Costello [2:40]: Cohen told them he was suicidal in April 2018 meeting.

Why is that important? Because when you are suicidal – thinking that is the only way out of your legal mess and you’re presented with the following options that you could cooperate against Donald Trump and provide information that would get you a get-out-of-jail free card and you respond to us, “I do not have any information on Donald Trump.”

[Cohen] said it many times during that two-hour meeting, “I swear of God, Bob, I don’t have anything on Donald Trump.” And I had my law partner who knew Michael Cohen for ten years…When I heard him say that he was suicidal the weekend before standing on the roof of the Regency Hotel, I didn’t know whether he was a drama-queen or telling the truth. So, I looked at my [law] partner, and he shook his head and nodded, “I think he is telling the truth.”

– Costello [4:15]: [Cohen] is marching up and down on the other side of the conference table like a tiger in a zoo …He looked like he hadn’t slept in 5 days.

– Costello [4:31] Every once in a while, he’d stop and point at us …he did this at least 20 times, and said, “Guys, I want you to know, I’ll do whatever the f**k I have to do, I’ll never spend one day in jail.” Now, what he is saying is, “I’ll like, cheat, steal, shoot somebody. I’ll never spend a day in jail.” Do you think a guy whose mentality is like that is going not to admit he has information on Donald Trump?

(May 15, 2024)
Costello’s opening statement:
Costello’s prepared testimony
Costello’s main points:
– The conspiracy with Giuliani is totally false: During their first meeting of Costello and his law partner with Cohen at the Regency Hotel in April 2018, Giuliani was not involved in representing Donald Trump at that time.
– Cohen said he decided to take care of Stormy Daniels’ NDA on his own, that Donald Trump had nothing to do with it and did not get money for it from Trump.
– To pay Stormy Daniels, Cohen took a HELOC loan against his property because he didn’t want anyone to know from where he got the money. Cohen didn’t want Melania Trump to know about it nor his own wife who is in charge of the Cohen’s family finances.
– Cohen felt he was betrayed by not being brought down to DC once Trump became President.
– Cohen thought he should have been U.S. Attorney General or at least the chief assistant to the President.
– Cohen was very angry about that and wanted to do something to put himself back into the inner circle of Donald Trump. That’s why he took care of it on his own.
– Cohen is always doing things that benefit himself. That is what he was doing here.
– Cohen was suicidal at their meeting in April 2018.
– The claim that Costello was trying to shut up Cohen is quite the opposite. Costello showed Cohen the way out if he (Cohen) had truthful information.
– Costello has emails/texts where Cohen acknowledges Costello was on his [legal] team.
– Costello and his law partner gave Cohen a retainer agreement when Cohen came to their offices.
(May 16, 2024)
Report: Former Michael Cohen adviser: ‘He told me he had nothing on Trump,’ Stormy NDA was ‘his idea’


– Costello [1:04]: Before I testified on a Monday before the grand jury, I gave Alvin Bragg’s assistant DAs the courtesy of about an hour and a half Zoom conference, where I told them all the exculpatory material that I had that they were supposed to be put before the grand jury.

– Costello [1:27]: But, when I appeared before the grand jury, they were asking me questions that in my opinion, and I’ve been a federal prosecutor myself, I was deputy chief of the criminal division in the Southern District of New York, those questions they were asking me were not going to elicit the exculpatory information that I had. So I began to expand upon my answers and the DA’s office was trying to shut me down, saying that I had finished my answer. (…) But basically they only put in a small cherry-picked group of emails. I presented maybe 2 to 300 emails and text messages to them. I had them with me luckily in chronological order. They put 2 or 3 in as evidence. I asked them, “Are you going to put them into evidence?” They said, “No.”

– Costello [2:26]: First of all, hearsay is admissible in the grand jury so that’s really not an objection. (…) I said, “These documents were made in the regular course of business … to make and maintain documents such as these at or about the dates indicated…You know and I know, but the grand jurors don’t know, that makes these documents business records …business records are an exception to the hearsay rule. So are you going to put the rest of the documents into evidence? They indicated most likely no.

– Costello [3:46]: When I met with Michael Cohen the first day at the Regency Hotel, when [Cohen] was suicidal by his own admission, I explained to him NDAs (Non-Disclosure Ageements) are perfectly legal[.]

– Costello [12:48] about Giuliani and allegedly setting up a back channel communication with Giuliani: That phrase was not mine. That is a word that Rudy [Giuliani] used. Probably an unfortunate term. There was nothing sneaky about this. I was representing Cohen.

Costello Responds to Cohen’s Lie about Him in Court

(May 17, 2024)


This post might be updated later on.

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