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Turley: Hunter Biden Laptop Deniers Don’t Care FBI Proved them Wrong in Court

Posted by FactReal on June 7, 2024

This week in the Hunter Biden gun trial: FBI Confirms “Laptop from Hell” is Real

Today, GWU law professor Jonathan Turley writes: Laptop Deniers in Delaware: The Media Shrugs as the Biden Laptop is Authenticated in Federal Court

The government …put on evidence that there is no evidence of tampering with the laptop [from Hunter Biden].

The FBI declared the laptop to be “real” and “authentic” and the court agreed. It was introduced as evidence before many reporters who previously embraced the debunked “conspiracy theory.”

There were ABC, NBC, CBS, the Washington Post and other news outlets …the same outlets, and some of the same reporters, who eagerly spread the false claims that the laptop was “Russian disinformation.”

…There was no effort to track down the signatories of the now-debunked letter from former intelligence officials just before the election.

Democrats who pushed the now-debunked letter claiming that the laptop was Russian disinformation:
– Leon Panetta, former CIA director in the Obama administration, claimed that the laptop had all the markings of a Russian disinformation effort by intelligence services.
– Biden campaign (including now Secretary of State Antony Blinken) who pushed a long effort to get former intelligence officials to sign a letter.
– Joe Biden who made this false claim in the presidential election to deflect any questions about the evidence of corrupt influence peddling on the laptop.

Laptop Deniers
Media outlets claiming that the laptop is the work of Russian intelligence:

– CBS News’ Lesley Stahl literally laughed mockingly at then-President Donald Trump
– former Chief of Staff at the CIA and Department of Defense Jeremy Bash
– CNN’s Alex Marquardt
– The Washington Post
– The Washington Post’s Philip Bump

Former intelligence officials:
– 50 former intelligence officials who were reportedly organized through Clinton campaign associates to issue the infamous letter
– Former CIA Director John Brennan
– James Clapper, a former director of National Intelligence and CNN analyst

– Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill.
– Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., former chair of the House Intelligence Committee
– Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y.

Many of them were given Pulitzer prizes, great jobs and/or media contracts.

Viral Video: Leftists Saying Hunter Biden Laptop was Russian Disinformation in 2020. (FBI Confirmed Its Authenticity in Court this Week.)



This post might be updated later on.

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