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Video – Nancy Pelosi: I Take Responsibility for Not Having National Guard on Jan. 6 at Capitol

Posted by FactReal on June 11, 2024

Report by Politico:
Unaired footage shows chaos, anger of congressional leaders amid Jan. 6 evacuation

POLITICO reviewed the 45 minutes of video, shot by Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra, that was recently obtained by House GOP investigators.

As then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi fled the Capitol after it was overrun by pro-Trump rioters on Jan. 6, 2021, she grilled her top staffer [Terri McCullough] on a key question: Where was the National Guard?

The interaction was shown in a video shot by the former speaker’s daughter, documentarian Alexandra Pelosi, and recently provided to congressional investigators by HBO upon a request by Republicans[.]

Congress also overwhelmingly passed legislation in the wake of Jan. 6 giving the Capitol Police chief unilateral authority to request National Guard assistance, rather than needing sign off from top House and Senate security officials.

Video via House Oversight Subcommittee:

Since January 6, 2021, Nancy Pelosi spent 3+ years and nearly $20 million creating a narrative to blame Donald Trump.

NEW FOOTAGE shows on January 6, Pelosi ADMITTED:

“I take responsibility.”



On the video, Pelosi says to her chief of staff Terri McCullough while they rode in an SUV that would take them to Fort McNair per Politico:

PELOSI: We have responsibility, Terri. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous. You’re going to ask me — in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached the inaugural stuff — that should we call the Capitol police? I mean, the National Guard? Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?

TERRI: They thought that they had sufficient –

PELOSI: No, that is not a question of how they had – They don’t know. They clearly didn’t know. And I take responsibility for not having them [the National Guard] just prepare for more.

Trump was blamed:

The video substantiates claims by former President Donald Trump that Pelosi was responsible for failing to prepare sufficient security ahead of the protest. Trump offered the National Guard in the days before the “Stop the Steal” rally 6, but was refused. (Trump was later faulted by critics for not intervening quickly to send the Guard during the riot.)

Attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon:

New York Post’s Miranda Devine:


READ: Letter from Democrat DC Mayor Muriel Bowser refusing National Guard Troops one day before January 6

DC mayor Muriel Bowser (1/5/2021): “To be clear, the District of Colombia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional deployment without immediate notification…”

Pentagon IG: Trump Called for Troops before Jan. 6 Event

Fmr. DOD chief of staff: I was Present when Trump Authorized 10,000 National Guards before Jan. 6


This post might be updated later on.

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