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LISTS: Anti-Trump Remarks from CNN’s Jake Tapper & Dana Bash

Posted by FactReal on June 25, 2024

Here we summarized several reports citing the many false/malicious claims against Donald Trump promoted by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who will moderate the Trump-Biden first presidential debate this Thursday, June 27, 2024.

The sources include videos, transcripts, and details.

11 times Tapper attacked Trump with nasty claims:
● Suggested Trump was a nightmare: “For tens of millions of our fellow Americans, their long national nightmare is over.”
● Claimed Trump “continues to lie to the American people” about coronavirus testing.
● Retweeted a post that called Trump “100% insane.”
● Shamed Trump upon being hospitalized for the coronavirus.
● Described Trump’s presidency as a “disaster.”
● Reported twice on Trump’s penis.
● Questioned the 2016 election by perpetrating the Russia collusion hoax.
● Suggested Trump tried to kill democracy.
● Ordered CNN’s control room not to cover Trump live.
● Claimed Trump was a “rather angry defendant, saying there’s no case here.”
● Refused to cover Trump live due to “potentially dangerous” content.

Shenanigans From CNN Debate Moderators Tapper and Bash:
● Blasted Trump after the 2020 debate: hot mess inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck, worst debate…because of Trump.
● On election night 2020, Tapper provided a nasty epitaph to Trump’s presidency: “For tens of millions of our fellow Americans, their long national nightmare is over.”
● Said: Trump era of “cruelty” and “meanness” is “coming to an end.”
● Likened Trump comments to Hitler.
● Said: “We’re not carrying his [Donald Trump’s] remarks live because frankly he says a lot of things that are not true and sometimes potentially dangerous.”
● Gave boffo review for Biden convention speech.
● Hailed a Republican (Jeff Flake) for standing up to Trump.
● Questioned disabled vet’s “commitment” after no impeachment vote.

● Said: “Shitshow” debate was Trump’s fault.
● Said: “Unfortunately for America” Supreme Court ruled Trump can stay on Colorado ballot.
● Blamed Trump rhetoric for New Zealand shooting.
● Asked: Should Trump receive intelligence briefings?
● Not Even D-Day ceremony is safe from superfluous attacks on Trump.
● Said: Inflation “looks good,” why isn’t the public giving Biden credit?
● Worries that Democrats may suffer from GOP’s “baseless” attacks on DOJ.
● Said to Vivek Ramaswamy: How dare you point out Democratic racism?
● Praised “badass” Pelosi.
● Adoring AOC.

CNN presidential debate moderators have long history of blasting Trump — including with Hitler comparison:
● Called the 45th president a “desperate electoral loser.”
● Suggested Trump spread “Russian propaganda.”
● Said that if re-elected, the former president will try to “kill democracy.”
● Compared Trump’s language about “poisoning the blood of our country” to Hitler’s manifesto “Mein Kampf.”
● Suggested that Trump incited a “terrorist attack” on America in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 riots.

● Argued that “unfortunately for America,” the US Supreme Court decided to keep Trump on the Colorado ballot.
● Suggested that the former president incited “war” domestically during his first term.
● Argued that the Trump-Biden 2020 presidential debate was a “bad reality TV show.”

CNN debate moderator Jake Tapper’s sharpest anti-Trump commentary over the years
● “It’s been a time of extreme divisions, many of the divisions caused and exacerbated by President Trump himself,” Tapper said on election night in 2020.
● Said about the Trump presidency: “The unwillingness to respect facts and science and do everything that could be done to save lives during a pandemic.”
● Added: “It has been a time of cruelty where official inhumanities such as child separation became the official shameful policy of the United States.”
● Said after the first presidential debate in 2020: Trump was “lying, maliciously attacking the son of the vice president.”
● Added: Trump “wants to bring the rest of us down with him.”
● Accused Trump of running the “single most negative, sleazy campaign in American history for a major party candidate.”
● Pushed the leftist obsessive caricature of conservatives: “Trump and his allies…are leveling … charges …crap, tied into QAnon, tied into Pizzagate, tied into the worst things you could say about a person.”

Dismissed Hunter Biden laptop story, calling it “too disgusting” to repeat on air

Covered up the Biden family corruption and scandal

Harassed Trump on Twice-Repudiated KKK ‘Endorsement’

Lied through omission to make it sound as though Trump is an anti-Muslim bigot (this after a mosque attack in Canada)

Again spread debunked lie about Trump mocking disabled reporter

Threw unrelenting cheap shots against Stephen Miller

Demanded CNN cut away from footage of people embracing Trump in a Miami Cafe after his second arraignment:


“BREAKING: CNN host @kasie CUTS OFF Trump spokeswoman @kleavittnh the second she brings up Jake Tapper spending years comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler

This is a preview of how CNN will act during the debate”



This post might be updated later on.

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