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GEORGE SOROS & LEFTIST GROUPS behind Florida Amendment 5 & 6

Posted by FactReal on October 26, 2010

RECOMMENDATIONS: Why vote NO on Amendments 4, 5, 6
VOTER GUIDES: 2010 Florida & Miami Election – 11/2/2010

Check who has donated to the proponents: here.

AMENDMENTS #5 AND #6 deal with redistricting:

The purpose of these two measures is to amend Florida’s Constitution to set standards for the Legislature to follow when establishing legislative (#5) and congressional (#6) district boundaries. Proponents say this will establish fairness standards for use in creating legislative district boundaries. But who will determine what is fair? Amendments 5 and 6 “require legislators to achieve the seemingly impossible when they draw new district lines that are certain to be second-guessed by activist ‘judges gone wild.’ Opponents call these Amendments ‘the full-employment act for lawyers’ because the contradictory mandates outlined in Amendments 5 and 6 will lead to endless litigations. The long list of lawyers and law firms contributing to FairDistricts is no accident, critics say.

Read here as they appear on the ballot for November 2, 2010.

Via FL. Div. of Elections –-> Amendments/Initiatives:

Financial Impact | Financial Information (Summary, Complete Statement)
Additional Information | Petition’s Full Text

Financial Impact | Financial Information (Summary, Complete Statement)
Additional Information | Petition’s Full Text

Cost can’t be determined. But there will be more litigations, more challenges in the courts; more costs to Floridians.

The Complete Financial Information Statement indicates that: The Financial Impact Estimating Conference (FIEC) expects that the proposed amendment may result in increased costs; however, the magnitude of the fiscal impact of these amendments cannot be determined. 

• The State may incur additional legal costs to litigate the redistricting plans.
• Florida’s court system may incur costs to hear cases that allege violations of the proposed constitutional standards.
• Any additional cost to the Legislature to develop the plans is indeterminate.

“The State may incur additional legal costs to litigate the redistricting plans developed under the proposed constitutional standards…For example, the requirement that every district be drawn so as not to favor or disfavor any incumbent or political party may spawn challenges…These legal costs are indeterminate.”

State costs for previous redistricting efforts were $15 Millions for the 1990 cycle and about $11.7 Millions for the 2000 cycle. However, “the proposed amendments will increase litigation costs to levels at least seven to ten times those experienced in the most recent apportionments.”

• Address: 2665 South Bayshore Drive, Suite M-103, Miami, FL 33133.
• Executives: Manuel A. Diaz, Richard A. Berkowitz, Ellen Freidin
The group is run by: Miami lawyer Ellen Freidin, a Democrat, and Tallahassee lawyer Thom Rumberger, a former Republican legislator.

SUPPORTERS & DONORS:These measures are supported and bankrolled by lawyers, unions and true-leftist Democrat Party loyalists like ACLU, NAACP, the League of Women Voters, etc. Charlie Crist.

George Soros

(a.k.a George Schwartz)

George Soros behind the Amendments: The proponents, Fair Districts for Florida, “amassed a war chest of almost $7 million, according to campaign finance reports filed Friday. Most of the money has come in six-figure checks from liberal special interests including teachers’ unions, trial attorneys and America Votes, a get-out-the-vote group largely financed by billionaire businessman George Soros.”

Big individual donors include loyal Democratic supporters
(Source: Campaign financing data)

$650,000 Florida Education Assoc. (FEA)
$625,000 SEIU
$500,010 Retired energy executive Christopher Findlater, who is financing Amendment 4 and leftist Joe Garcia (FL-25)
$400,000 America Votes, which is largely financed by George Soros and encompasses leftist radical groups like ACORN, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, ATLA, EMILY’S List, MoveOn.org, Moving America Forward, NAACP, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, SEIU, Sierra Club, etc.
$362,834 National Education Assoc. (NEA), America’s largest labor union which opposes merit pay for teachers, school vouchers, school prayer.  They favor socialized medicine, abortion, sex education, global warming, and other leftist positions.
$305,000 Boar’s Head Chairman Frank Brunckhorst
$200,000 Leftist mogul Fred Eychaner. Eychner & ACORN connection.
$140,000 Rockefeller Family Fund which donates to leftists groups like the Tides Foundation, NOW, ACLU, NARAL, Sierra Club, Earth Day Network, the League of Conservation Voters, etc.
$90,000 Ballot Initiative Strategy Center (BISC) which receives substantial donations from leftist billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Institute; also from NARAL.  BISC has strong union ties: AFL-CIO, NEA, AFT, AFSCME, SEIU, etc.
$50,000 League of Conservation Voters
$50,000 Public Education Defense Fund (a NEA committee)
And so many attorneys:
$122,500 Robert Spohrer and the law office of Spohrer & Dodd
$120,000 Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley law firm
$95,000 Jacksonville attorney Wayne Hogan
$60,000 Grossman Roth, P.A.
and others like Akerman Senterfitt which also donated to Joe Garcia

More unions: ACORN, National Air Traffic Controllers, AFL-CIO, EMILY’s List, Florida Pipe Trades Council, Teachers Unions, etc.

Leftwing politicians: Robert Wexler, Alan Grayson, etc.

Among the opponents are: Corrine Brown, an African-American Democratic congresswoman (Jacksonville to near Orlando), and Mario Diaz-Balart, a Republican congressman (Miami to the Gulf Coast). Kurt Browning, former Florida secretary of state said, “It’s unworkable, will cause a tremendous amount of chaos, and you’ll end up in court with judges deciding the districts.”

Also: Rep. Dean Cannon, R-Winter Park, and Sen. Mike Haridopolos, R-Melbourne, who will lead the Legislature as it prepares for redistricting.

The group Protect Your Vote raised $1.1 million from conservative groups, including a $750,000 check from the Republican Party of Florida on Oct. 7.”

NEVADA: Techs of Suspect Voting Machine are SEIU
COLORADO’s George Soros mini-me: Democrat John Hickenlooper
2010 FLORIDA ELECTIONS: Amendments Analysis, Voter Guides, Judges, Candidates, …for November 2, 2010

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