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Obama to Illegal Alien Student: I Want You to Succeed (Video)

Posted by FactReal on March 29, 2011

Yesterday at a Washington, DC town hall, Obama assured an illegal alien student that he wanted people like her to succeed and did not want to deport them.

The illegal alien student (Karen Maldonado) confronted Obama showing him a deportation letter and asking him why illegals continue to receive such notices. The event was held at the Bell Multicultural High School in Washington, D.C., and was sponsored and televised by UNIVISION, the Spanish-language television network and illegal immigration promoter.

QUESTION BY ILLEGAL ALIEN STUDENT: “My question for the president is, why [is the government] saying that deportations have stopped or the detention of many students like me, why is it that we are still receiving deportation letters like this one?”

OBAMA: “…And for a young person like that young woman that we just spoke to who’s going to school, doing all the right things, we want them to succeed.”

HMMM? Video mark 0:20 — The Univision moderator, communist reporter Jorge Ramos, identified the illegal alien as Karen Maldonado.

Video mark 2:24 — Obama blamed Republicans for not passing the Dream Act. He did not tell the audience that Democrats were majority in the House and Senate during his first 2 years as president and they failed to pass an amnesty bill or the Dream Act which is a foot-in-the-door amnesty bill. He then urged the audience and students to put pressure on Congress to pass the Dream Act.

Here is the video in Spanish:
● If Univision knows the name and whereabouts of the illegal alien student Karen Maldonado, aren’t they accomplice of a crime if they don’t report her to the authorities? Doesn’t Univision want to comply with the law of the land? Wouldn’t they call the authorities if someone entered the Univision premises or their homes without their permission?
● Shouldn’t the U.S. president urge illegals to go back and use their energies to improve their own countries?
How would these people feel if millions of illegal aliens invaded their own countries, demanded citizenship and more money for education and health care, confronted their president on national TV for being deported…and, on top of that, called them racists if they did not comply with the aliens’ demands?
● Obama is telling people worldwide that they can become U.S. citizens as long as they come here, ignore U.S. immigration law, and work/study.
● If Obama believes in family reunification, he can send illegals back home so they can reunite with their families. If the parents brought their children illegally into the U.S., they are responsible for making their own kids complicit in the violation of U.S. immigration law. Minors are innocent but they must be with their parents (unless there is a life-threatening situation in their own country, i.e., Cuba where deported migrants can face persecution by the Marxist dictatorship for daring to leave the jail-island.)
● Leftists like Univision and Obama are promoting the wrong idea that U.S. citizenship is a global human right — that everyone around the world is entitled to.
Professor Obama should learn to distinguish between legal immigration and illegal immigration.
Professor Obama and Univision should inform people that the word “alien” is not a pejorative. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, alien is someone who belongs or owes allegiance to another country or government: FOREIGNER.
● If the U.S. is a mean and racist country where immigrants are mistreated, why so many people want to come here and stay?

Leftists will go to any length to obtain their goals. Obama panders to Hispanics to increase the Democrats’ voter rolls. Univision for ratings. They don’t care if they have to lie, to demagogue or to feed anger, divide and resentment. They don’t care if they have to destroy Americans and Hispanics.

One Response to “Obama to Illegal Alien Student: I Want You to Succeed (Video)”

  1. Chris said

    you are a cold-blooded journalist and you should be ashamed of yourself

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